Building Bliss

Couples Coaching for Big Milestones

I don’t know about you, but when I find myself facing big changes in my relationship, I wish I had someone to help us talk it all through. Getting married, buying a house, having a baby, becoming empty-nesters, big moves, and big career changes are all examples of the times in a relationship where it’s really important to delve into the deep stuff. It’s not exactly like we have problems, we’re not arguing and we’re generally really excited about what’s coming, but we know there’s a lot to consider. Who do we talk to?

Friends, family, colleagues are all good supporters, but they often come with baggage. They have a preconceived idea of what your life should look like, or are influenced by their own experiences and beliefs. They can certainly help you think about things, but they might not be able to help you see what you think and feel, and you might not feel comfortable telling them some of your views for fear of what they might think or say. Not to mention when everyone has a different opinion!

If you belong to a religious organisation, you might have a community leader you can turn to – for example many churches offer pre-marital counselling. And that’s great! However, in the 2021 census, 22.2 million people informed the Census that they had no religion. That’s a whole lot of people who don’t have ready access to impartial guidance about their relationship – of whom I am one!

So where can we go, as a happy, healthy couple, to figure out the big stuff?

To me! You can come to me!

It was thinking about this lack of support for couples that got me exploring how coaching could help. Regardless of the milestone at hand, coaching can help to raise awareness, improve communication, deepen your understanding of each other, develop confidence, make informed choices, deepen your connection, and get a handle on the landscape around you and how you want to inhabit it.

With that in mind, I set about creating my signature coaching programme: Building Bliss.

Building Bliss is a 12-month membership for couples moving through big milestones, to enable you to have the conversations that matter, to learn more about each other as you grow through change together, and to tune back in to how totally in love you are.

It’s based on three complimentary principles – all of which are present in every month of the programme:

  1. AWARENESS – this is the coaching part. Coaching’s number one benefit is an increased awareness of ourself and our partner, which in turn breeds understanding, and is the birthplace of change. Once we’re aware, we can choose our way forwards.
  2. LOVE – what kind of couples coaching would this be if we didn’t focus on the love you have for each other? This is where your challenges will come in (more on this later), and the result will be regular fun and playful reminders of how much you love each other, bringing you closer together despite the changes you’re up against.
  3. LEARNING – this is the part where you take what we do and continue to use it for the rest of your life. Sounds big? It is. This is both tools and exercises, and constant reflection on the work you’re doing so you can embed it and come back to it over time.

So, what’s included?

  • Monthly couples coaching sessions (90 minutes), on a predetermined day and time.
  • Monthly themes (including exercises where relevant), bespoke to your particular milestone to prompt conversations both in and out of the coaching sessions.
  • Monthly exercises and/or challenges chosen to bring some fun and playfulness to the work you’re doing together.
  • Access to the Building Bliss Resource Hub – containing all your notes, exercises, activities, and more that you can access throughout our membership and download for your own use as you leave.
  • Access to Learning Love Book Club
  • £111 per month, or £1332 up front
  • PLUS, access to pay-as-you-go couples coaching throughout and after you’ve finished the membership at a discounted rate*.

*15% off the current session fee (eg. If I’m charging £100 per session, you pay £85).


If you’re interested in joining this programme, please sign up to a free discovery call below.